
H/T to my blogger-buddy Steve from Rabid Sanity for letting me know about Chris Stirewalt’s column in the Washington Examiner today. It focuses a couple of themes that have been simmering in the deep, dark recesses.

Stirewalt’s piece, “Disillusioned Liberals Yearn for Hillary Clinton” rather astutely notes that the Obama campaign pretty much snookered the Democrat faithful into believing in the impossible: That a completely inexperienced, untested, neophyte with a background in affirmative action/community service, steeped in the totally corrupt Chicago political machine of Da Mare, Tony Rezko, and Bill Ayers, baptized in the racist religion of Reverend Wright, and dressed to the nines in the Emperor’s fictional wardrobe of Hope and Change, could assume the responsibility of governing the most powerful nation in the world and somehow not fall face-first into the Fruit Loops. Dang. Blew that one, huh?

So they are now experiencing the first pangs of buyer’s remorse. Awww.

imagesTwo years ago the smart money was on Hillary. It seemed like all the stars were lined up in her favor – the money, the media, the momentum. Somehow the Upstart was able to undercut the Designated Diva. The Democrats threw their best candidate overboard for the promise of unicorns, rainbows, and hopey-changitude. Whatever the hell that’s supposed to be.

After less than nine months of fits and starts, ineffectual programs and policies, incomprehensible spending, diplomatic disasters, and a never-ending series of inexplicable TelePrompted pronouncements, most Americans are either regretting their votes or smugly chanting, “We told you so!” According to the latest Opinion Dynamics’ poll, only 43% of Americans would vote for Obama if the election were held today. This can’t be the way the Democrats hoped things would be going by this point in the presidency of the Anointed One. I mean – who could have imagined that this guy could lose an Olympic bid and win the Nobel Peace Prize in less than a month and end up the punchline on SNL for both?

Human nature being what it is, thoughts are now turning to what might have been…

Most conservatives had their moment of regret for Clinton’s loss long ago when they realized that Obama was completely out his depth.
It started during the period of “The Office of the President-Elect” and continued as Google proved better at vetting members of the administration than the transition team.
For those on the Right chiefly concerned with foreign policy, the lament about Clinton’s miserable campaign continues to deepen. They believe that radical Islam and Vladimir Putin will prove to be tougher adversaries than the insurance industry and the senior senator from Maine. The defense-minded Right is still thinking about the 3 a.m. call, and not the one from the Nobel Committee.
But conservatives know that they never would have had a chance with Clinton. Where Obama has overfilled his plate like a kid at Thanksgiving dinner and now stares at an unappetizing mountain of cold mashed potatoes, Clinton would have taken measured bites and finished the whole feast. But had she won, there’s no doubt that she would have ground up the bones of her enemies and baked chocolate chip cookies with them. Obama, though, has proven to be the only person who could make the GOP look reasonable again after the misadventures of the Bush years.

For liberals, though, the strange, sad longing for the woman they rejected has only just begun.

For most of us, this pretty well sums it up…


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