Fire Trucks of Wal-Mart

Guest Post by Loki

While shopping at Wal-Mart the other day I saw their newest fire trucks on display. I was surprised because they had even brought in a fire truck from Utah. They may not look it but I know these are fire trucks because they are parked in the fire lane. I even checked to see if these were fire trucks for handicapped firemen by checking for handicap stickers and mirror hangers. But these were for non-handicapped firemen.

Now, before anybody tries to tell me these were not fire trucks, I know these had to be fire trucks because there is an area reserved in the far side of the parking lot for inconsiderate *ssholes who think that they are special and can ignore rules.


Pirates of the Treasure State

Ahoy, me Hearties! Today is “Talk Like A Pirate Day” – a silly, twenty-first century celebration of the romanticized and fictionalized versions of the sea-going rogues, scallywags, and rapscallions of centuries past, some of whom may actually have existed.

Captain Jack Sparrow, Blackbeard, Cap’n Crunch, and others of their ilk are being joined by a couple of marauding landlubbers: Gubernatorial candidate Neil Livingstone, along with his faithful parrot First Mate, Ryan Zinke. They’ve set sail from the land-locked shores of coastal Montana in their eighteen-wheeled Man o’ War proclaiming their intent to “hoist the Jolly Roger” over the state capitol upon election. Batten the hatches and shiver me timbers!

No one seems to understand what Livingstone means by this bluster and bravado, but it makes about as much sense as some of his other campaign promises – like eliminating the office of the Secretary of State (a Constitutionally created office that the governor has no authority to eliminate!) and sitting down with every single state employee to determine whether they and/or their jobs are necessary. Blimey, it would take him at least four years to meet with all 12,000+ state workers! Okay, so that last might not be a bad idea if he does get elected somehow. Keeping this blowhole far away from the East Wing would at least minimize the damage he could cause to the state. Livingstone’s ideas for governance seem to be right up there with raping and pillaging and as much fun as walking the plank. Aaarrrgh, matey!

Well, heave ho and blow the man down! I’ve never been one to let someone starve to death after they stick a foot in their mouth, so – in honor of Talk Like A Pirate Day – my ode to Montana’s own Pirates of the Treasure State, “Cap’n Living Stone” and his First Mate “Sinky”

They’re pirates who don’t know anything
About running a campaign.
If you ask them what they’re doing
They respond like they’re insane.

They couldn’t post a schedule
Of where their ship [BUS] will be
‘Cause they take all their directions
From consultants in D.C.

They plan to start a revolution
And hoist the pirate flag.
They haven’t read our constitution
It’s too much of a drag.

They’ve got egos up the ying-yang
And their balls are made of brass;
They’re out to screw Montana
They’ve got money – but no class.

You want Neil’s resume for governor?
He knows how a pirate talks;
He’s learned to play with Seals;
And he’s a talking head on Fox.

He doesn’t need to have the facts
Or know the laws within the state
He can make things up and bluff away
Just like Barack Hussein the Great.

He can rape and pillage government,
Terrorizing working guys
Threatening their lives and treasure
With nonsense and other lies.

He doesn’t live in Helena;
He left here in his youth,
But he’s spent some time in Washington
Where they can’t tell the truth!

He’s the next buccaneer for governor
Schweitzer will pale in shame
Livingstone’s got “bull” and swagger
But no substance for this game.

Temperature in Hell Drops Dramatically

Well you can knock me over with a feather: Butte, America may be turning against the unions.

I just happened to be surfing the Montana Standard this evening and, after checking the obits, I casually clicked over to the Letters to the Editor. Imagine my shock and surprise when I counted five – yep f-i-v-e – separate missives in opposition to the School Administrators’ strike for bigger raises.

This is Butte – “the Gibraltar of Unionism”. Miners’ Local Number One. Hard core union members from way back. Any union. Every union. Solidarity with our union sisters and brothers. Back in the day the church was only slightly more sacred than the union.

What changed?

Might it be that – finally – the union bosses have gone too far in their demands for more when there is no more to be had? Could Jimmy Hoffa’s over-the-top attacks on the American taxpayers last week have struck a sour note even in the Mining City?

Who knows.

But I think I figured out who’s being called “sumabitches” in Butte these days.

A Prayer

Much has been said about what was lost that horrible day ten years ago: Something so fragile – so precious – that we can never replace and, seemingly, we cannot restore. Before September 11, 2011, Americans were a people blessed with a sense of optimism and security that was unique in the world. Sure, we had experienced national tragedies, but somehow those events made us stronger and more resolved in our “Americaness”. Not so with 9/11. After a brief period where we came together in our disbelief and overwhelming grief, we have become more and more estranged. We have allowed our differences to make us weaker, and destroy our dreams for better, brighter tomorrows for ourselves and our children.

Perhaps it is not too late to again focus on the things that make this country the beacon of hope that it has been and should always be…

Science Deniers

We often hear how Republicans are science deniers. The liberals throw the term ‘science deniers’ around almost as often as they casually throw out ‘racist’. If one should even offer a hint of disbelief or even questions the dictates from the liberals they are quickly tarred and feathered with labels and dismissed for being stupid.

But scientists and the media never label the ideas of the left as crazy, unworkable, illogical, unproven or just plain nuts. Let’s take a look at some of the ‘proven facts/ideas/science’ and science denial from the left.

Solar Power – Pushed by Obama who took our money and subsidized this failed science. Solyndra became the third company to go bankrupt since Evergreen Solar and SpectraWatt. It is not a failed science because you can produce electricity through the sun but because you can’t do it economically. American companies can not compete with China to produce a low cost solar panel. And even then the electricity produced is extremely expensive. And we won’t even talk about all of the toxic batteries and high maintenance costs. Works great in space, not so well on earth.

Wind Energy – Produces electricity but kills birds. Some from the left will defend the bird killing by noting that cats kill more birds. But cats don’t kill Bald Eagles or California Condors nor does that excuse not mean that even more birds will be killed. Then there is the illogic of the left when it comes to wind turbines. In Helena liberals fought hard to keep new cell phone towers from being erected because they would ruin the natural view. Even the Kennedy family fought against wind turbines being built in their back yards. Yet somehow fields of wind turbines are just fine in someone else’s back yard. Then to add to the illogic liberals fight even harder against the construction of transmission lines to bring the wind turbine energy to any place where it can be used. And you still need to construct just as many power plants standing by for when the wind does not blow. The costs are questionable depending on the location of the turbines and the ability to convey the electricity to where it will be used. Without government subsides this may turn out to be another more expensive energy substitute.

Ethanol from Corn – Stupidity… taking food and making it into expensive low grade fuel. Without subsidies it is unworkable. In fact it may take more oil fuel to produce less ethanol energy. Science is still debating that little problem. But don’t mention this to liberals or you will be a ‘science denier’.

Panda Poop – Converting Panda poop into fuel. Of all the stupid ideas this has got to be near the top of the list. Does anyone think we have enough Pandas in the world to make enough fuel to run more than a couple of vehicles?

Cooking Grease – Another crazy idea from the left. We will all have to start eating French Fries by the tub full to get enough grease to make this more than a novelty energy source.

Coal Energy – The lack of logic here it that somehow burning coal in the USA under strict EPA guidelines is more detrimental to the earth then shipping the coal to China and letting them burn coal with no regulations. So China gets a cheap energy source while the USA further cripples world trade by using more expensive energy.

Nuclear Energy – Fought against by liberals at every step, lawyer’s fees, environmental studies and government intervention has driven the cost to near uneconomical rates. In Europe some of the cheapest energy available is from nuclear. Guess we are just not as smart as those Europeans.

Yet you can’t find hardly a liberal (or Ron Paul) that does not think that every maniacal dictatorship bent on nuclear war should not be allowed to build ‘peaceful nuclear energy’. Somehow a nuclear power plant in the USA will spell doom for the world but for Iran it’s just fine.

Oil – And finally the totally illogical idea that we can give up oil completely. Oil does not just fuel our vehicles. It paves our roads, it makes our plastics, our chemicals, our fertilizers and is used in almost every industry in the USA. Try making any of that with wind, solar or even nuclear.

So it seems the real science deniers are liberals with their oil free utopian ideas. Be sure to mention that to them next time they start talking about oil. Call them science deniers who want people to die. Then while they are sputtering just call them racists and leave.


Wise Investments?

There is much speculation about whether or not Sarah Palin will enter the 2012 Presidential race. Some of the naysayers base their opinions on the assumption that time is running out for her to put together a nationwide organization.

Well, I’m no fancy-dancy political pundit, but it occurs to me that some of these royal smart people may not be considering a few 21st century political realities…

Starting right after the 2008 election, Sarah made the first of a series of political investments that she can cash in over the next 14 months: Saxby Chambliss, Georgia Senate runoff. In 2010 she made 64 similar “investments” all over the country:

In the real world of politics, favors count. Sure, not all of those candidates won – but even the losers got thousands, and in some cases millions, of votes. Every one of them can most certainly be counted on for a little quid pro quo, as it were, when the time comes. Go play on the interactive map. Take a look at some of the people who owe Sarah, at least in part, for their current jobs: Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio. Could be some valuable “quids” there, huh?

Notice how many states she’s already campaigned in and where she’s probably made contacts with some of the highest profile political leaders in both the TEA Party and the Republican Party. Gosh, how many phone calls do you think she’ll have to make to round up a few “important” endorsements in a few key primary states? Then realize that her two book tours, her various non-campaign speaking engagements, and most recently, her “One Nation” tour have earned her a whole lot of political capital. A whole lot. Gazillions. She is the Warren Buffet of political investors. And those investments have already paid off big time by earning her millions of supporters who have seen her in one or more venues or are regular posters or visitors on one of the more than 100 blogs and websites dedicated to supporting Sarah Palin. That’s even better than money in the bank – that’s votes in the ballot box.

Sarah has almost 3 million Face Book friends, and nearly 500,000 followers on Twitter right now. Mitt Romney, by contrast has just over 1 million friends on FB, Michele Bachmann is close to 500,000, and Rick Perry barely passed the 100,000 mark. I’m sure they have Twitter accounts and the number of followers is growing daily – but Sarah’s been “investing” in this stock for a lot longer. The announced field of candidates is seriously lagging behind Sarah in these assets.

When it comes down to push or shove, a successful campaign needs a huge network of leaders and followers, organizers and volunteers, generals and soldiers – in all 50 states. Sarah has that force ready and waiting – they just need the call to action. She has spent the last two and a half years carefully, quietly, wisely investing in her candidacy for President.

At the end of the day – or more appropriately, at the end of the primary season, who will have the most committed delegates at the convention? My money is on the candidate who understands the economics of the political world; the candidate who can see the immediate opportunities and the long term objectives and act accordingly; the candidate who has knowingly invested her time and efforts in promoting and supporting a better, stronger America for the past three years. Because that’s an investment that will pay real dividends. Sarah Palin isn’t the lightweight the LSM makes her out to be. Check back here this time next year and see how her stock is doing as we head into November, 2012.

Boogety, Boogety, BOO!

Just over a year ago Rick Perry was in the political fight of his life facing establishment favorite Kay Bailey Hutchinson in a Republican primary in the Texas gubernatorial race. Most pundits – and voters – agree that the turning point in the campaign came when Sarah Palin threw her support behind Perry. Asking an enthusiastic crowd the key question, Palin queried – “I want to hear Texas, what’s it gonna be: the way they operate in D.C. or the way y’all get things done in Texas?” In the end Perry won the primary by 20 points and the general by more than 12.

This is an example of “classical” politics versus “popular” politics. To paraphrase one of my favorites humorists, Dave Berry, classical politics (as in “classical music or liturature”) is that which is not popular. Twenty-first century American politics is definitely tuned to popular – the classics have been relegated to the elite few and snubbed by the masses for both Republicans and Democrats. We saw that in 2000 when Al Gore tried for a third round of the Clinton administration and in 2004 when a retread John Kerry generated even less enthusiasm than Gore had four years earlier. This trend was supremely defined in the 2008 Democrat primary when classic liberal politics in the person of Hillary Clinton was tossed unceremoniously onto the trash heap of history by the fresh, new, popular candidate. The same response was seen in the Republican race when same-old – same-old John McCain livened up his campaign with a rockin’ hot and exciting hockey mom from Alaska and revived a boring old “classical” race.

All indicators seem to be that the electorate in 2012 wants to be charmed by new once more. The classicists keep trying to shove Mittens Romney at the Republican faithful – or as alternatives, they’ve trotted out Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, and other assorted has-beens. Good guys – just not popular reading this summer.

Ever since the rumor mill started churning out the story about Perry’s imminent entry into the contest, there’s been an undercurrent of excitement that was not only noted in the press, but almost welcomed with a giddiness that isn’t normally seen in Republican circles. What, pray tell, is driving this dither you may ask.

John Podhoretz suggests it might be more William Blatty than William Shakespeare:

Most people outside Texas know very little about Perry, but given his standing as a kind of amalgam of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee, he may soon occupy an unprecedented position in the imagination of liberals and the Left—perhaps the most frightening specter of anti-liberalism since Ronald Reagan precisely because he is electable. The conservative boogeyman is back.

How “soon” did the liberal talking heads start exploding? Less than 24 hours since Perry’s announcement and the LSM, together with it’s puppet masters in the DNC and the White House, have all been predictably reactive in focusing the attacks on Governor Perry. David Axelrod, Debbie Whatshername-Schultz, and the WH spokesman all came out with the official talking points aimed directly at Perry. Nary a mention of Michele Bachmann who won the Iowa straw poll yesterday. Or Sarah Palin whose Friday appearance at the Iowa State Fair attracted huge crowds of supporters and reporters everywhere she went.

So exactly what is Perry’s role in this popular plot? Is he the real hero or just the next character introduced to move the storyline to its eventual climax?

Well, if this is a contemporary piece, there’s probably another twist in store before we get to the last chapter.

We all know who the Boogeyman really is and it’s not Rick Perry.

What’s left to discover is who the hero of this story is – Captain America or Wonder Woman? My money’s still on Wonder Woman – and I don’t mean Michele Bachmann.