HIS Way or the Highway

In the most blatant assault on the First Amendment ever seen in modern times, Barack Obama, The One, Dear Leader, the messiah, has just revealed how he’ll handle the loyal opposition during his regime: toss ’em off the plane.

If that doesn’t scare the holy sh*t out of every American, God help us! Our First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom of the press are under siege from this egolomaniac.

I’ll Keep My Guns, My Money and My Freedom.
You Can Keep the Change.

The Man Behind the Mask

Six hundred and fifty million dollars. Almost three quarters of a BILLION dollars. $650,000,000. Seven – count them – seven – zeros. Almost twice as much as the biggest lottery jackpot in history. That is one humungus friggin’ pile of “change”. And that is how much money Barack Obama is spending to get himself elected President. The first thought that comes to my mind is: When you have to sell a guy with virtually no experience, a shadowy background, a closet full of unsavory associates, and an anti-American, elitist, socialistic attitude, it’s going to cost a bucketload of cash to get the job done.

My second thought was: Couldn’t that money be better spent? We’ve heard so much about how so many Americans are hurting and how many are facing foreclosure. And then I read this story about a woman who bought a foreclosed home and gave it back to the original owner and is going to work out a payment schedule for her. And then I thought – if Barack Obama was really the populist he pretends to be, why wouldn’t he take some of that money and use it to help some of those folks out? Just think – he spent $230 million on the stupid infomercial last night. He could have bought more than 1500 average priced homes with that money! (Maybe even one for his aunt who’s living in a Boston slum.) Or he could have paid the annual health care premiums for over 40,000 families. Or invested in some kind of alternative energy project. Or ???? There are so many possibilities. And think of the PR!!! The benevolent messiah, blah, blah, blah… Glory to the highest and all that. Oprah would be proud.

It’s all about priorities, I guess. Obama has no problem confiscating revenue from hardworking Americans like you and me to give to those who need homes or health insurance or whatever. But he sure doesn’t think he needs to share what he has. Instead of leading by example, Obama subscribes to the “Do what I say, not what I do” philosophy of wealth distribution. He ensconces himself in a million dollar plus mansion, indulges in $450 snacks, wears custom tailored suits, and looks down on the regular folks. In Obama’s world – he’s the number one priority. So that’s where the money goes. All $650 million.

It’s been a few months and he’s really tried to hide his true character from us, but I think I’m starting to discern the man behind the mask. Barack Obama is a narcissistic, selfish, egotistic, elitist, SNOB! But I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Obama, the Musical

Anybody remember the Lily Tomlin play, “The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe”? Particularly the part where the bag lady character is standing on the corner of “Walk / Don’t Walk” and discussing the difference between an Andy Warhol painting and a can of Campbell’s soup. “Soup. Art. Art. Soup.”

Lately, the Obama campaign has had that same kind of bizarro feeling to it. Only different. Let’s see. They can attack and smear anyone who dares question them; dig up any dirt they can on their opponent and the opponent’s family members, or any private citizen who asks a perfectly legitimate question about one of proposals touted by the candidate. Any media outlet that even hints at a less than total adulation of the The One is threatened and banished from the presence of the messiah.

Is this America or have we suddenly been transported into an alternate universe? Argentina circa 1946-ish?

Well, except for the names and a few of the places, the story’s the same one…

“Tell me before I waltz out of your life
Before turning my back on the past
Forgive my impertinent behavior
But how long do you think this pantomime can last?

Tell me before I ride off in the sunset
There’s one thing I never got clear
How can you claim you’re our Savior
When those who oppose you are stepped on,
Or cut up, or simply disappear?” (from “Evita” Andrew Lloyd Webber)

Two Americas

As I was trolling the blogs today, I came across two posts that – more than anything I’ve seen up until now – illustrate the basic difference between the Obama and McCain campaigns.

The first was a story about a neighborhood in Gainesville, Florida Virginia that was vandalized last night. Some 25 homes and businesses were the targets of Obama supporters that obviously have no sense of right and wrong and have taken “The One’s” exhortation to “get in their faces” to heart.

I cannot imagine being associated with a group that thinks this is in any way acceptable or appropriate. Shame on them – the criminals who perpetrated the crimes and the candidate who inspires such crimes. Is this the leadership we want for America? Is this the country we want for our children and grandchildren – where disrespect for others’ property is condoned – even encouraged? I. Don’t. Think. So.

The second was about McCain’s recent campaign stop in Iowa – a state that most polls indicate is Obama’s to win. And yet the McCain supporters were upbeat, enthusiastic, and showed pride in their country. What a difference!

Perhaps neither example conveys a true picture of this country as it is. But what do they say about which country each candidate wants America to be?

Obama – mean, ugly, hateful. McCain – optimistic, proud, patriotic.

I know which America I choose. Hands down.

Eeyore Rescue Society

As I mentioned a couple of times before, I found a delightful blog that is written by former Hillary supporters and is dedicated to bringing Republicans, Democrats, PUMAs, – and everybody else who cares about this country – together in a positive effort to elect John McCain and Sarah Palin. Talk about motivated! These guys make me feel like a slacker of the first order.

Today’s post features a totally unique approach to fundraising and voter identification. They define Eeyores as people “hoodwinked by the national media and its incessant Obama cheerleading.” They have created a fun way to raise money for their victory party (which will be held right across the street from the site of “The One’s” extravaganza) by categorizing and naming the types of Eeyores that we all encounter every day.

Go grab a nice glass of wine and spend a few minutes reading the post and the associated comments. Betcha feel a whole lot better about our chances of a McCain victory afterwards – and if you feel like contributing to the party by rescuing an Eeyore, go for it. I did.

“Oh, alright, I guess I can.” – Eeyore

Alert the Media.

Liberal candidate receives endorsement of another liberal social activist.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who finally made the announcement that has been expected for months, is well known for his willingness to support liberal causes. He is pro-choice regarding abortion, and in favor of “reasonable” gun control. He has stated that he supports affirmative action that levels the playing field. Powell was also instrumental in the implementation of the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy.

What took him so long? Yawn.

On the other hand, here’s an endorsement that means something: A Harvard trial lawyer for McCain.

Where’s the Beef?

In a campaign that so far hasn’t had too may high points, Brian “the Bully” Schweitzer has managed to hit another low note that has gotten national media attention. Fox News picked up the story about the infamous email accusing Roy Brown of being a — gasp! — “vegetarian”.

OMG. First the governor starts off his campaign by being found guilty for breaking an election ethics law that he personally signed in 2005. Then came Schweitzergate – where BS admitted that he “turned dials” to effect the outcome of the 2006 election. Now he hits the big time again as one of the subjects of the Political Grapevine.

Gotta hand it to the Gov. He started out with an almost surefire win, and through an absolutely brilliant series of some of the most boneheaded political maneuverings imaginable, has managed to turn this into a very competitive race.

Who knew – Brian Schweitzer is the Republicans’ secret weapon? That’s no bull.

P.S. – Follow the link in the post below to help the governor win the 2008 People’s Choice Crappie Award. He certainly deserves it.

Vote For Schweitzer

Okay – first wipe up the coffee (pepsi?) that just sprayed out of your nose all over your computer screen. Then read Mike Baker’s new column at Fox News.

I think our favorite bully is a prime candidate for the People’s Choice Award – Biggest Yutz 2008. Click on the email to cast your vote.

And this way when the pollsters call, you can honestly say you voted for BS and skew the results. It may not be the same as throwing an election, but we do what we can in these troubled times.

Mixed Nuts

I’ve spent quite a bit of time in the blogosphere over the past couple of days, thanks to a three-day weekend and an early winter storm. Not to mention some pretty intriguing stuff out there. In my random wanderings, I’ve discovered some new friends at Hillbuzz. If you haven’t checked the site out yet, I highly recommend it. There are several posts up today; I would like to share these thoughts from one of them…

“This is something very interesting that’s come out of the 2008 race: the fact that moderate Democrats now see how obnoxious and bullying liberals can be.

To be completely honest, we were never comfortable with the far left of the Democratic party, but tried our best to ignore it through the years. We didn’t like the people euphanized as “granola crunchers” or “MoveOn.ogres” any more than Republicans did…and tried our best to have as little to do with them as possible. And yes, as lifelong Democrats, we were always taught to automatically disagree with and oppose all things Republican, because that’s what “good Democrats” did. Without thinking. Boo! Tsk! Rant! Rave! Boo!

Where the liberals find their base in socialism and Marxism and anti-Americanism, the far-right nuts take their inspiration from twisted interpretations of religion as a weapon of hate.

In 2008, after being in the trenches for 2 years, we think extremists on BOTH SIDES are a problem.

And, as moderate, centrist Democrats, we’ve discovered — to our shock — that we have more in common with moderate Republicans than we do with the sorts of nutters who are caught booing and acting like fools in the video above.

This election has changed us.

We’ve discovered that we don’t automatically support the Democratic candidate if Democrats run a far left socialist liberal… “

WOW. Whoda thunk it? Wing Nuts and ACORNs causing problems??? And causing moderates from both parties find common ground for the good of the country.


UPDATE – Obama Birth Certificate Issue

Take the time to watch and listen to this video.

WHY DOESN’T OBAMA RELEASE HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE? Methinks the Progressive/Left Wing/Howard Dean fringe, in concert with BHO, have conspired to hijack the Democratic Party by perpetrating a series of frauds including illegal voter registration and culminating in putting forth a candidate who is not eligible to be President. They were successful in stopping Hillary who should have been the Dem. candidate. We cannot let them continue on this path. Demand to see a CERTIFIED copy of BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE NOW!!!!!