I’ve spent quite a bit of time in the blogosphere over the past couple of days, thanks to a three-day weekend and an early winter storm. Not to mention some pretty intriguing stuff out there. In my random wanderings, I’ve discovered some new friends at Hillbuzz. If you haven’t checked the site out yet, I highly recommend it. There are several posts up today; I would like to share these thoughts from one of them…
“This is something very interesting that’s come out of the 2008 race: the fact that moderate Democrats now see how obnoxious and bullying liberals can be.
To be completely honest, we were never comfortable with the far left of the Democratic party, but tried our best to ignore it through the years. We didn’t like the people euphanized as “granola crunchers†or “MoveOn.ogres†any more than Republicans did…and tried our best to have as little to do with them as possible. And yes, as lifelong Democrats, we were always taught to automatically disagree with and oppose all things Republican, because that’s what “good Democrats†did. Without thinking. Boo! Tsk! Rant! Rave! Boo!
Where the liberals find their base in socialism and Marxism and anti-Americanism, the far-right nuts take their inspiration from twisted interpretations of religion as a weapon of hate.
In 2008, after being in the trenches for 2 years, we think extremists on BOTH SIDES are a problem.
And, as moderate, centrist Democrats, we’ve discovered — to our shock — that we have more in common with moderate Republicans than we do with the sorts of nutters who are caught booing and acting like fools in the video above.
This election has changed us.
We’ve discovered that we don’t automatically support the Democratic candidate if Democrats run a far left socialist liberal… “
WOW. Whoda thunk it? Wing Nuts and ACORNs causing problems??? And causing moderates from both parties find common ground for the good of the country.