Killer Filler

I’ve been working on a post about the recent actions/comments emanating from the East Wing of Montana’s Capitol, but it’s not quite coming together yet.

So while I was clearing my head, I happened upon one of favorite sites, Iowahawk. His latest post is an “interview” with the would-be Christmas bomber.

Lemme ask you: have you ever tried to inject a glycerin detonator syringe into some plastic explosives glued under your nutsack, while you were stoned out of your gourd, in an airplane bathroom, during Lake Erie turbulence, while some stupid hippie is pounding on the door? Take my word for this, it. is. a. mofo. I must have stabbed myself in the junk eight or ten times before I finally got it smoldering. So I stroll out of the loo, real casual-like, with my nuts on fire, and headed back to my seat to blow out the fuselage.

But then, get this: some friggin’ Dutch dude jumps out of his seat and tackles me right in the aisle, completely ignoring the “fasten seatbelts” sign! Typical pushy Eurotrash. And then the flight attendant comes running up, and instead of enforcing the damn rules starts blasting me with the fire extinguisher, which means my nards go from flame broiled to freeze dried in about 3 seconds flat.

Go check out the whole piece.

It’s going to be tough, but with Big Bri as the subject, there’s always the possibility my next post could be a real knee-slapper.

Say What?

imagesAccording to Fox News, NFL players have been asked to donate their brains to science.

That seems a bit much to me, but hey – maybe the scientists figure that it wouldn’t be worth the effort to study the brains of U.S. Senators – they have enough practice on rats already.

Can they wait until the season is over or do they have to give them up now? Could they at least start with the Raiders so no intelligent life is harmed?

Twenty-Five Cent Whores

image_miniNow that we’ve had the opportunity to see and understand the great deliberative process of the august Untied States Senate, it’s all clear to me. Hold-outs like Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln, Joe Lieberman, and Ben Nelson obviously have played the game more astutely than most.

What has been revealed to any and all who have been paying attention over the past few weeks is that the Dems who held out for a good deal for their constituents got everything they asked for and more – all at the expense of the taxpayers in the other forty-six states.

This is, of course, nothing more than confirmation of Ronald Reagan’s observation about politicians and practitioners of the world’s oldest profession.

I’m certainly not one to claim to be either shocked or surprised.

What really bothers me is that Max and Jon are so cheap and easy. I mean, really – couldn’t either of them have held out for at least a kiss and fifty cents?

It Makes A Body Proud


With thanks and a H/T to Mike at Last Best Place for the video. He uses it to underscore the basic problem with the healthcare bill. I don’t for a second dismiss his point, but I would like to use the same clip to illustrate a completely different point:

Max Baucus is dumber than a box of hair.

Seriously, listen to the exchange between Senator Coburn and Max.

Honestly, can any of you – with a straight face – say that you would trust Max to make an informed and intelligent decision on even the least important choice in your life?

No wonder so many in Washington DC think we voters are dumb. Look at who we elect to represent us. It’s not even a matter of principles or ethics. Or even that elusive concept of common sense. It’s about basic IQ.

Max, Stanford called, they want their diplomas back.

Ding Dongs

images‘Tis the season for Christmas Bells, Jingle Bells, Silver Bells, I Heard the Bells, Carol of the Bells, Bells Will Be Ringing, and so many other traditional pieces that ring in the glorious holiday festivities.

As I sit here watching the snow gently falling on the frozen – albeit globally warmed – ground, I thought it appropriate to share a few of the dingy people and events from the past year that keep ringing through my mind. This is not a comprehensive list. Feel free to share your own ding-dong winners in the comments section.

10.) The White House’s declaration of war on Fox News.
9.) Obama’s speech to school children at the beginning of the school year.
8.) “We have to spend our way out of this recession.” – Joe Biden
7.) “Every month we don’t pass this economic recovery bill 500 million Americans will loose their jobs.” – Nancy Pelosi
6.) “I went out of my way to be up and up.” – Max Baucus
5.) Obama’s pitch on behalf of Chicago’s bid to the International Olympic Committee.
4.) MIchelle Obama’s fashion stylist and the incredibly obnoxious outfits she has advised the First Lady to wear.
3.) Arlen Specter’s defense of the Justice Department’s decision to hold Kalid Sheik Muhammed’s trial in NYC by explaining that, “It’s important that we are seen as a nation of laws and the world knows that he can get a fair trial. Besides, even if he’s found ‘not guilty’, we aren’t going to release him anyway.”
2.) ACORN staff aiding and abetting efforts to evade taxes and import underage girls for illegal prostitution.

And the biggest dingalings of all….

1.) All those Obama supporters poor suckers who are still out there waiting for for their “Obama money”.

Frog Kissin’

There’s a new Disney movie about to hit the movie theaters this month. Based on the fairy tale about the princess who succumbs to the pleadings of a pathetic amphibian, the Princess and the Frog will undoubtedly become another classic.

Like so many fairy tales, this one is full of real life parallels and metaphors. There’s that whole “judging a book by its cover” theme. And the “no pain – no gain” thing. Not to mention, “try it you’ll like it”.

After watching the movie trailer the other night I’ve been thinking on this subject particularly as it pertains to some of the stuff going on in DC lately, especially the healthcare bill.

(Stick with me on this…)

The stuff we’ve seen coming out of the House and the Senate so far has maybe a wart or two, right? But, perhaps we have judged too harshly.

Ok, so there’s the whole cost issue (aw, what’s a trillion – mostly just a bunch of zeros), rationing (hush, grandma – they won’t really be “panels”), public option (Dingy Harry said they agreed there wouldn’t be a public option and you can believe every word he says), abortion funding (“trust us”), cuts in Medicare, unfunded liabilities to the states, and on and on – over three thousand pages-worth between the two bills. But golly, maybe we need to be a little more open-minded and understanding and at least consider planting a big one on this baby.

After all, it’s not easy being green – and some froggies can be kinda cute….

So, lets imagine that we’re willing to let ourselves be seduced by Obama’s promises of lower costs, unrestricted access, universal coverage, rainbows and unicorns for all. Admittedly, we have to undergo frontal lobotomies first, but what could happen???


The Democrats have sure puckered up for this toad. But I think I’d rather pass. I’m not feeling the happily ever aftering.

No Wonder They’re Scared of Her

61e6f5dc-e3fd-11de-95ff-001cc4c002e0.imageSarah comes to Billings today and hardy Montanans started lining up in sub-zero temperatures before 9 o’clock last evening. Hundreds of dedicated fans braved arctic air for a chance to see the woman that many believe represents their views on how American government should be run. By 6 a.m. this morning the line stretched around three sides of the building and the parking lot was full of cars, trucks, and RV’s serving as on-site warming houses for cold, tired, but enthusiastic, patriots.

The Gazette has the details and will update it periodically.

Anybody who dismisses Governor Palin as stupid, irrelevant, or a non-contender is likely to be shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that the message and the messenger are resonating with a huge segment of the American public.

Double Standard?!?!?

Bet you thought this would be another snarky post about wrinkly old Max and his staffer/girlfriend and his recommendation of her to be Montana’s US Attorney. Not so, my friends. If you really want the inside gossip on how this little affaire du coeur is playing out in other venues, you need to check out the venom spewing from the Daily Kos. Hell hath no fury and all that, but did you realize the libs were THAT ticked off by the good Senator? Whoa! The stuff the conservatives are lobbing out there is mere marshmallows compared to the ammo the left-wing nuts are firing off.

Still, I digress.

In these times of slumping revenues and ever-increasing belt-tightening measures, why, pray tell, is Governor Schweitzer flying around the country in first class?

“We will continue to be accountable for every dollar,” Schweitzer said in a release. “This is not the first austerity measure that I have implemented and there will be more.”

The governor previously directed agencies to cut out-of-state travel by 35 percent.

He was recently observed by a state employee, returning from parts unknown, comfortably ensconced in the front of the plane enjoying all the accoutrements thereof.

Certainly, the trip could have been paid for by some special interest group seeking his wisdom and goodwill. Or perhaps he had been delivering one of his rip-roaring speeches ala the Trial Lawyers Association appearance of 2008. Or, hey, he could have been flying on his own dime. Good reasons all; but perhaps he should be just a touch more sensitive to the concerns of the taxpayers and other state employees when traveling the friendly skies.

It’s so hard to convince folks that you’re just really doing the best you can and you have their best interests and pocket books in mind when you keep setting yourself apart in the high-priced section.

Then again, maybe the good gov is practicing for when Max resigns and he appoints himself to be the next senator and doesn’t have to care about what his constituents think.