The Montana GOP organized a little rally today in East Helena.
For those of you who don’t know, East Helena is a little burg about 5 miles east of the state’s capital city, with it’s own distinct personality. I’ve lived here for over five years now and have come to treasure and appreciate it’s unique attitude. Politically, EH is actually pretty conservative – in the old-time sense. It was – and largely still is – a blue collar, union community, but it is deeply, thoroughly, unequivocally patriotic. The local VFW is the social center of the town, and the 4th of July parade is straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting.
So what happened on this quiet Halloween Sunday afternoon in East Helena, Montana is a veritable gobsmacker.
As I left my house, I noticed a city police car parked in the middle of the parking lot between the City Pool and JFK Park. Just as I reached the stop sign at the end of my block, a little gold PT Cruiser pulled up next to the officer. I continued up the few blocks to “Beautiful Downtown East Helena” where I joined up with the three dozen or so supporters who were gathering at Memorial Park on Main Street waiting for the GOP campaign bus to arrive. A few minutes later, a lone city police officer drove up and advised us that we had to disperse. He explained that someone had complained about our little gathering and because we did not have a permit, we had to leave. As we visited with the officer a bit more, he told us that the Democrats had applied for a permit that was denied by the City Council, and so they objected to our gathering and called in a complaint to the police and he had no choice but to act on the complaint. While we were talking to the officer, that same little gold PT Cruiser drove past us several times – obviously closely watching the encounter.
Being the good citizens we are, we quickly conferred, and moved the rally about ten yards further down the street to “private property”.
No real harm done. (Heck – everybody at the rally was a bullet-proof Republican, so there were no minds or votes to change.) Or was there? Isn’t there a little clause in the Constitution that guarantees Americans the right to peacefully assemble? And what about that “Freedom of Speech” thingy?
Tomorrow I plan to check out the city ordinances regarding such assemblies as well as the story about the city denying the Democrats a permit to hold their rally, because I find that offensive and frankly, pretty hard to believe. If the local Democrats wanted to hold a peaceful gathering in a local public park, they very much should have had the opportunity – and I would have been as upset as anybody if they were refused a permit.
Shame on our city leaders if they did, in fact, deny the Democrats the right to hold a political rally.
But I’m still a bit flabbergasted about the “complaint”. It must have come from a Democrat of the pre-school mentality (“If I can’t have one, you can’t either!”). Not that the complaint had any real effect on our rally, but as I walked by the memorial marker listing the names of local heroes who had sacrificed their lives for us and the United States Constitution, it saddened me that partisan affiliation so blinded my fellow citizen to the inalienable rights that we are all guaranteed that she felt she had to personally take steps to deny those rights to us.
Shame on her.