There’s something inexplicable that happens to a woman when she becomes a mother. I guess it’s probably best explained as an instinctive response to protect their young. But, I’ve found that this instinct or whatever it is doesn’t diminish or go away when the kids grow up. Even if your baby is six feet tall, when he is under attack the old mama grizzly rears up without even thinking.
That’s what happened when I saw that #1 Son twittered about this Republican Party Platform plank:
Homosexual Acts
We support the clear will of the people of Montana expressed by legislation to keep homosexual acts illegal.
Here comes the she-bear.
What the hell were they thinking? More to the point – who the hell came up with this piece of vile, hateful stupidity? And what, pray tell, might this “legislation” be that is so clearly supported by the people of Montana? No specific reference is mentioned in the Platform. Might it be a Koopman plan (whispered directly into his ear by God, of course) to round up all the gays in the state and ship them off to concentration camps ala Hitler? Gosh, Roger – are you sure that’s such a popular proposal? Or could it be something equally bizarre and sinister that’s being shared only by the chosen few homophobic, uneducated, religious zealots who still think that the Spanish Inquisition was a great time in the annals of Western history and Torquemada a real swell guy?
And how many otherwise rational conservatives thought that criminalizing a whole class of people was such a cool idea that they supported and voted in favor of this abomination that would have our government willy-nilly breaking down bedroom doors?
I am a Republican, and generally speaking, proud of my party and what it stands for. Not this. This is beyond unacceptable. As a conservative, I’ve always felt that what any consenting adult does in private is none of my business and certainly nothing that “small government” needs to regulate. As long as you don’t do it on Main Street and scare the horses, I really don’t need to know about it. And I sure as hell don’t need to have my tax dollars pay to police it.
In a time of serious economic crisis, this kind of absurd posturing is not only unnecessary, it’s completely counterproductive. When our candidates should be carrying a message of fiscal responsibility and job creation, sound energy and resource development, the mental midgets behind this idiocy have now offered the Democrats a huge weapon with which to deflect the debate and wage a successful attack focusing on an issue that has no place in the arena of conservative ideas. In an election where our party should have the upper hand on the issues that matter, we could end up losing some swing seats simply because of this one sentence.
This statement of our party’s official position is breathtakingly offensive to many good republicans; I am not the only one who objects – ” This is the criminalization of the private lives of consenting adults. I am embarrassed such language was approved.”
Yes, I am ashamed of my party. Very ashamed. And angry. And hurt. There is no room in my party for this kind of short-sighted, hypocritical, mean-spirited, asinine activism. As the parent of a gay child, I have witnessed, first-hand, the unwarranted, bigoted attacks from small-minded, loud-mouthed jerks, and I have no intention of participating in an effort to promote or condone any legislation that is intended to endorse or support such attitudes.
I certainly never expected that the Montana Republican Party would become a branch of the Westboro Baptist Church and I, for one, won’t be a party to it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.